Friday, October 30, 2015

Double Sided SpiderMan Fleece Blanket

Double Sided SpiderMan Fleece Blanket

Double Sided Spiderman Fleece Blanket I did for my son who loves Spiderman besides Big Hero 6 -Measures about 53" by 60"

Later on I will post the one I did for my dad for Christmas-trying to get caught up-been sticking everything done on my calendar to stay on track.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Lilo and Stitch Fleece Blanket

Lilo and Stitch Fleece Blanket

Lilo and Stitch Fleece Blanket I made for my sister for Christmas, since she is a fan of my Facebook page, I can't post it on there, but I did a black backing since it is one of her favorite color. This one measures about 54 1/2" by 45 1/2".


Extra Life -Only a few weeks left

Extra Life-Only a few weeks left

There is only a few weeks left, any donation amount would be appreciated-so far only $66 raised out of $300 - so any help I would appreciate it. You can do so  Anonymous without anyone knowing if you want. 

Please help out I'd appreciate it.


Making A Road Trip

Making a Road Trip

I've gotten to the point that I've been putting stuff on my calendar on the phone so that I can stay on track of stuff-so today my daughter and I are going to be going down to Jefferson City to JoAnns (I normally go to Columbia) - but I ordered online 3 yards of this moose fabric: 

but unfortunately they are out so I'm getting refunded-and Columbia is out of stock but it shows they have 6 yards at Jefferson City-which is what I'm hoping because I need at least three for right now to go along with 3 yards of this fabric (ordered 6 so I can do something else with the other three) 


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

JoAnn's Return Policy

JoAnn's Return Policy

You can read the return policy yourself here, my daughter wasn't doing the greatest when we went to JoAnn's to go return some fabric I changed my mind about or just ordered a bigger quality for, but I won't lie that wasn't the greatest experience I've had ever. The person who was measuring the fabric I was returning asked if I washed them and I said no I leave them in the bag, then she went on to smell them and asked if anyone in the house smoke, because if they smell like smoke they can't take it back. I was like no, no one smoked, just thought it was extremely rude- I mean yes I can understand why you wouldn't want fabric returned that smelt like smoke, etc. but doesn't mean the person had to be rude about it, especially since my daughter wasn't feeling good by the time we made it to the store. If buying fabric from JoAnn I would recommend either just buying fabric that you extremely want (going to use) or just unfortunately suck it up and not return it (can try to sell, etc. ) but after that experience last night it will probably be quite a while before I go shopping there in case I have issues.

Trust me when I say I love Jo Ann Fabrics store, its where I buy the majority of my fabric, but I can always find it somewhere else, and I love that they are so helpful and very good at selling stuff, but just really rude when it comes to returning products. Just figure I'd warn you in case if anyone else has had a bad experience. 


Mustang Fleece Blanket

Mustang Fleece Blanket

Mustang fleece blanket I did for my brother for Christmas, black backing- going to have to come back with measurements- forgot to write it done after measuring it.

Update measures about 55" by 47"



Monday, October 26, 2015

Wolves Fleece Blanket

Wolves Fleece Blanket

Wolves Fleece Blanket measures about 54 1/2" by 45 1/2"- black backing. I made this for my brother's fiance Heather, and I'm going to apologize in advance for the red stain that is on the floor-unfortunately its been there for years-promise the floor is clean. Also got another blanket done that I will post later tonight.


Friday, October 23, 2015

Pumpkins Fleece Blanket

Pumpkins Fleece Blanket

Halloween Pumpkins Fleece Blanket measures about 57 by 51 1/2" -orange backing


Pandas Fleece Blanket

Pandas Fleece Blanket

My daughter and I drove an hour away just to get this fabric for my brother for his Christmas gift. People were crazy at driving that was for sure- and the site only showed 4 yards left, but we were able to get two yards of it.
This measures about 66 1/2" by 50"


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Boo Halloween Fleece Blanket

Boo Halloween Fleece Blanket 

Boo Halloween Fleece Blanket -orange backing measures about 51 1/2" by 47"-This one is $30


Also I love how when taking the pic because of the flash it makes it look like the Boo's are coming out at you.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Moose Fleece Fabric

Moose Fleece Fabric

Moose Fleece Fabric-this measures about 52" by 49".-$30 -Hunter Green Backing 


Minnie Mouse Fleece Blanket

Minnie Mouse Fleece Blanket

Minnie Mouse Fleece Blanket-this measures about 51" by 47". Thanks (this one is not for sale -only fabric of this kind) 


Was able to find more of this fabric so this one would be -$30 to do. -only while supplies last.

Teapot, Teacups, and Muffins Fleece Blanket

Teapot, Teacups, and Muffins Fleece Blanket

This measures about 53" by 49 1/2" this one is -$30


Saturday, October 17, 2015

JoAnns Fabric Store

JoAnns Fabric Store

Until October 21st you can get 50% off Fleece Fabric, I'm not sure if its 25% off of the character ones, but I've been able to get fabric for $7.94 a yard versus $11.24 on characters Fleece Fabric, so if your needing fleece, now is a good time to get it. Thanks

Friday, October 16, 2015

Teapot, Teacups, and Muffins Fleece Blanket

Teapot, Teacups, and Muffins Fleece Blanket

Teapot, tea cups, muffins fleece blanket measures about 52 1/2 by 42 1/2"- burgundy backing-$30

I really love how this one turned out, love the print! 


Going to finish with all the Fleece Blankets material I've got because I have other projects I would like to do as well for example: Pillow cases, lanyards, baby blocks, and budget bags. Slow and steady is obviously how I'm going. -Anything you would love to see-let me know. :)

Breast Cancer Awareness Fleece Blanket

Breast Cancer Awareness Fleece Blanket

Breast cancer awareness fleece blanket measures about 52" by 47 1/2" pink backing-$30

Etsy Shop Now Open

Etsy Shop Now Open 

Etsy Shop is now open that has my listings so far. Thank you 

Mums Fleece Blanket

Mums Fleece Blanket 

Mums fleece blanket measures about 47" by 51 1/2" - yellow backing-$30

Halloween Fleece Blanket

Halloween Fleece Blanket

Halloween fleece blanket measures about 53 1/2" by 50" purple backing. This is $30

Halloween Fleece Blanket

Halloween Fleece Blanket

Halloween fleece blanket measures about 54" by 31" orange backing this is $20 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Extra Life Donations

Extra Life Donations

Please check out my brothers page, any donations would help his goal is $300- it goes to a very good cause, my son has had 6 surgeries in a hospital that is supported by the Miracle Network. 


Owls Fleece Blanket

Owls Fleece Blanket

Owls fleece blanket measures about 48" by 51", has chevron backing-$30 have enough material to make another one.


Monday, October 12, 2015

The Edit Job

The Edit Job

I'm having fun going through and editing the prices on my Facebook page, haven't done it yet on the site, not sure if I will. So if you want up to date prices on items checkout my Facebook page here, and make sure to like it.


Paris Fleece Blanket

Paris Fleece Blanket

Pink Backing

Paris Fleece Blanket measures about 53" by 46"- $30

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Mizzou Fleece Blanket

Mizzou Fleece Blanket

Mizzou Fleece Blanket measures about 53" by 46"-this one is $60

I'll try to get the other blankets I've made posted when I can but makes it difficult since my internet at home isn't working at the moment.


Friday, October 9, 2015

Marvel Fleece Fabric

Marvel Fleece Fabric

Isn't this Fabric cute, I may have to get this in the future. 

Also sorry for not posting more on my done stuff yet-been keeping busy. If looking for something in specific let me know- now is the time to buy fabric, especially at JoAnns.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

New Disney Fabric

New Disney Fabric

My all time favorite fabric can't wait to use this and hope to get more of it.


Monday, October 5, 2015

Power Rangers Fleece Blanket

Power Rangers Fleece Blanket

Power Rangers Fleece Blanket I made for my nephew- measures about 66 1/2" by 53"-This one would be $42 to do if I can find more fabric -if not on sale normally $56 


Frozen Fleece Blanket

Frozen Fleece Blanket

Frozen Blanket I made for my niece -measures about 67 1/2" by 55" -This one would be $45 to do (if getting materials on sale) if not normally $57
